Hi, I'm Simon

Hi, I'm Simon

I'm a Sydney based product designer who transforms the complex problems of the world into bold, intuitive and strategic designs. Currently designing at XERO

Designing since [2020]

Also building

Unlocking Inventory

Xero Inventory is central to Xero’s platform, but its limited and inflexible functionality didn’t meet many users' needs. Our goal was to increase adoption while preparing inventory for Xero’s AI-driven future.


Auckland's Dining Scene

The Hops app aims to revitalise Auckland’s food scene by making it quick and easy to find the best food deals and events.

My name is Simon. I’m a Product designer working and living in Sydney.

My name is Simon. I’m a Product designer working and living in Sydney.

Born and raised in New Zealand , I was an ex Civil Engineer now working as a product designer. at Xero. In my time I have work on various proejcts and displines such as product managment , branding , social media marketing, fashion design and hopefull many more to come :)


2023- Current

HOPS - Deal Finders

HOPS - Deal Finders

2022 - Part time



2022- 2023


2023- Current


2022 - Part time


2022- 2023

Co founded a deal finder app

EX- Civil Engineer

Building my clothing brand

Designing since [2020]

Designing since [2020]